Green Earth Research Network (GERN) is devoted to the dissemination of Scientific Research, Management, Commerce, Social Sciences, Physical, Applied Sciences, Engineering, Medical and Technological information around the world and make all efforts towards achieving this goal. It seeks to strengthen research and advanced education in these and allied fields. Green Earth Research Network (GERN) encourages new ideas or new perspectives on existing research. It is a registered non-profit association for academicians and researchers in the field of Engineering, Electronic Communication, Modelling & Simulation, Manufacturing Technologies, Marketing, Accounting, Economics, History, Law, Behavioural Science, Information Science, Physical, Applied Sciences, Social Sciences Management, Commerce and a myriad of other fields. It is an international medium for the publication of articles of interest to researchers in education and has rapidly become a major focal point for the publication of educational research from throughout the world. All the published papers are submitted to the major indexing services for indexing Green Earth Research Network (GERN) strongly encourages suggestions for new journals across all areas. If you would like to propose starting a new journal, please provide us the information listed below in a formal proposal and send it to: email: [email protected]. We will evaluate the proposal, and if accepted, happily start working with you right away on the new journal.
What to include in a new journal proposal
- Information about the proposed Editor-in-Chief. Complete curriculum vitae for theproposed Editor-in Chief of the journal listing his/her current research interests, editorial activities, recent publications, and contact information (full mailing address, email address, and fax and phone numbers).
- A suggested title for the new journal.
- Aims and Scope for the new journal. The Aims and Scope of the journal should give an overview of the journal's intended focus. It should also provide an elaboration for the subjects discussed in the journal.
- A brief overview on why is a new publication needed. An explanation of why a newjournal on this topic is needed and a list of any existing journals or conferences related to the field.
- A proposed list of Editorial Board members. The Editorial Board should include a minimum of 20 editors whose collective academic background and experience should cover all the topics covered in the journal and who should be geographically well distributed across the globe.